Monday July 30th- Friday August 3
MZD Space 9533 Jasper Ave
(Above the Artery, enter from Jasper ave)
9:30-11 Contemporary Technique; Ainsley Hillyard
11:30-1 Creative Exploration; Colleen Friedman
$100 Full intensive
$65 One five day workshop
$15/drop in
For more info or to pre register (Spaces will be limited)
email goodwomen@live.ca or call 780 802 6867
join the event on Facebook
See videos of previous class work here and here
Contemporary Technique with Ainsley Hillyard:
Inspired by the hyper physical trainings of Holly Johnson, Ledges and Bones Dance Project (San Francisco/Los Angeles), Ainsley’s class integrates Bartineff fundamentals and has a heavy focus on inversion work. This technique is challenging and highly addictive. Participants are asked to bring knee pads and a sense of adventure.
Creative Exploration with Colleen Friedman:
Participants will be led through structured improvisational explorations as well as spontaneously create, observe and evaluate choreography. Colleen focuses on four major principals in her creative play; Preparation, Exploration, Formulation and Reflection. It is requested that all participants bring a notebook for reflection and text based movement work.
Each exploration throughout the workshop will involve LMA (Laban Movement Analysis) based material that will help to enhance movement skills in technique class and to build choreographic ideas in the process. The focus of the week will be on Laban’s ‘Dimensional Scale’.
Colleen Friedman is a professional modern dancer, choreographer and educator. Her training started at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton, Alberta, and later continued at the School of the Toronto Dance Theatre. She became a company member of Dancemakers between 1990-91 and co-founded the Toronto-based group, dance Continuum in September 1991. She has performed with The Randy Glynn Dance Project, Pedestrian Waltz, Alberta Dance Theatre, Brian Webb, The Cheremosh Dance Ensemble and other independent dance artists such as Darcey Callison, Denise Duric, Michelle Silagy, Yuri Ng, Lisa Sandlos and Bonnie Kim.
Renowned for her unique approach to choreography and teaching which focus on group creativity and exchange, Colleen has taught extensively in the public school system. Throughout the past 15 years, she has remained a constant force teaching modern dance, improvisation, composition and choreography.
Colleen graduated from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Education Dance Specialist Studies Program in 1997 and received her MFA in Dance at York University in 1999. In addition, she received her CMA (Certified Movement Analyst) in LMA (Laban Movement Analysis) and became certified as a Bartenieff Movement Fundamentals Practitioner. She currently teaches modern dance, jazz and choreography at the Etobicoke School of the Arts in Toronto.