We have once again partnered with the Brian Webb Dance Company to provide Master Classes for local dance practitioners to learn from artists featured in BWDC’s 2018/19 Season.
Ginelle Chagnon (Fortier Danse Création, Montréal) December 14, 2018, 12:30 – 2:30pm
Master classes are open to all levels
$20 CADA Members
$25 General
Through simple exercises designed to activate the relationship between mind, body, sensation and sense of observation, participants will investigate the body in its relationship to others as well as to space and time. While experimenting sometimes in obscurity, the participants will hopefully renew certain aspects of their relationship to their environment and develop a new angle of vision for their creative practice. This workshop aims to be a sensorial and cognitive experience through the filter of experimentation and exchange.
All the participants of the workshop will be invited to exchange thoughts and observations with each other. All should wear comfortable clothes and bring a note pad and water. They should also be prepared to cover their eyes with a scarf or an extra t-shirt that they bring for this purpose.
Since 1971, Montreal based dance artist Ginelle Chagnon, has been working at deepening the dance medium. She first started as a dancer/performer and eventually came to teach and coach contemporary dance. For many years she was associated to choreographers Jean-Pierre Perreault and Paul-André Fortier but her sensitive gaze also brought her to collaborate with many other Canadian choreographers in their creative and performance processes. Since the ‘90s she has taken an active interest in documenting, conserving and promoting the contemporary dance repertoire. She gives various workshops that stimulate perception as well as the relationship of the body to a creative context… for everyone.
Depuis 1971 l’artiste montréalaise de la danse Ginelle Chagnon, travaille à approfondir l’expérience de la danse. Après avoir dansé professionnellement elle s’est intéressée à l’enseignement et au processus créatif. Pendant de nombreuses années elle a été associée aux chorégraphes Jean-Pierre Perreault et Paul-André Fortier mais son regard sensible l’a aussi conduite à collaborer avec plusieurs autres chorégraphes québécois et canadiens en processus de création et de représentation. Depuis les années ’90 elle s’intéresse aussi à la documentation, la conservation et à la promotion du répertoire québécois de la danse. Elle offre différents ateliers qui stimulent la perception et le rapport du corps à un contexte créatif…pour tous.
Photo by Jean-Francois Coté.